Triple Dutch Book € 6,-


Dutch Country Dances in English Style
by Cor Hogendijk
Ernst van Brakel and
Jaap Krug

DanceTune(s)  AuthorRecorded on
Batavian HoleMaxime Leblanc’s Reel2C,Sp.LWR7x32Cor HogendijkLP: FR 201
Child with Tea or De VleuterHeswall and West Kirby JubileeCircleR4x32Cor HogendijkAPCD 9802
The DredgerTrip to Tunbridge2C,Sp.LWR6x13Cor HogendijkCDSB Vol. 13
Frisian DuckFrisian Duck / MacFriesian’s MarchSi,CiR7x32Cor HogendijkLP: EFDSS BR 4
Frisian KnotHet Wad / Maiden Lane3C,LWJ6x24Cor HogendijkEFDSS CD09
Fryske Trijet Kwezelken / Monday NightTrios,Si,LWR5x32Cor HogendijkFECD188
HofstaddanceMr Isaac’s Maggot2C,LW3/2 7×20Cor HogendijkLP: CDS-7
Margo’s DelightDe Duyvel op een Been or Spanheijm (795)2C,LWJ.x32Cor HogendijkLP: VPR 0103
Northern RoundMrs Grace BowieCircleJ.x32Cor HogendijkLP: 12 TS 382
Our English Dancing Master ***Wodka / Beerenburger2C,LWRJ7x32Cor Hogendijk 
P.S. Jubilee DanceAmelander Juttersbitter / Trip to Highgate2C,LWJ7x32Cor HogendijkEFDSS CD06
Road to Jaap and Dini ***De Haerlemmerdijk (172)2C,LWJ7x32Cor Hogendijk 
The CelebrationThe Mulberry Garden4C,LWJ8x16Ernst van BrakelEFDSS CD09
Early One Morning **Early One Morning2C,LWR5x32Ernst van Brakel 
Forty Bars or The Drunk’s DelightThe Duchess of Buccleugh4C,SqR4x40Ernst van BrakelLP: 33SR 150
Lost and Found **Lochanside2C,LWW5x32Ernst van Brakel 
The Village FairBraw Sir John 4C,SqR8x32Ernst van BrakelRSCDS CD031
Dini’s Waltz *Timoth Waltz / Pat’s VisitCircleW7x32Jaap Krug 
Dunant House Hornpipe *Bolger’s Hornpipe / Sharp’s Hornpipe2C,LWH5x32Jaap Krug 
Dutch RantRoxburgh CastleCircleR6x32Jaap KrugEFDSS CD15
The Hotch Potch Hooper’s JigSi,CiJ8x32Jaap KrugRSCDS CD080
Kitty’s WaltzVier WeverkensCircleW.x28Jaap Krug 
Oh Hetty, Dear HettyBoys of OakhillSi,CiJ7x32Jaap KrugEFDSS CD05
Party at Zeist *Bolger’s Hornpipe / Sharp’s Hornpipe2C,LWH5x32Jaap Krug 
Whitsun Camp DanceLady Mary Douglas / Jump at the Sun eoCircleJ7x32Jaap KrugEFDSS CD05
*Recorded on CD “Shades of Shaw”    
**Recorded on CD “Dutch Crossing”    
***Recorded on CD “Dutch Callers’ Choice”    

 The number in brackets after the names of the tunes refers to the number of the tune in the collections
“Oude en Nieuwe Hollantse Boerenlietjes en Contredansen”. 






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